Yes, don't waste my money etc. Has anyone owned one? Looking for something 3-4hp, cheap, usable, cheap, light, and also cheap, to use on a 2.3m inflatable for a while, there are some chinese jobs in about my current price range (cheap).
Yes, don't waste my money etc. Has anyone owned one? Looking for something 3-4hp, cheap, usable, cheap, light, and also cheap, to use on a 2.3m inflatable for a while, there are some chinese jobs in about my current price range (cheap).
There's probably some American motors in your price range, just not new? Aux's get stuff all use?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I have one of these and its been a brilliant little motor, used it as an auxillary on 16ft boat for a while and have used it quite a few times on a 10ft tinny to cruise across Loch Katrine and Lake Sumner for hunting trips and a bit of fishing. Its never let me down so far. Only annoying thing about it is its direct drive so start and go!
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
I have owned a 9.9hp Sail branded one.Had it in a 3.4m inflateable. Was reasonably reliable only issues I had were little things like broken plastic linkages for the choke etc. But as it was a copy of a yamaha a trip to the local dealer and replacement Yamaha parts fitted.
Owned for a couple of years and used in salt and fresh water.
Dont know if I would trust it well enough in open water bit it never let me down.
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2nd hand mercury would be my pick...but its catch 22 cheap n new could be better than older and from a dealer and you have SOME comeback if it turns to crap.
The Chinese can land stuff on the dark side of the moon, and the Yanks haven't done that yet. Their stuff is on the improve. Their side by sides and quads are ok (personal experience). They make a lot of good optics now. I would buy one of their outboards if price was the main factor.
I have a Parson 3.6hp
My neighbor has the 5.8 and also a 3.6 - same as mine
Great little motors and apparently any parts needed are Yamaha parts
I have a Chinese Brigs and Stratton copy on my tow mower. V twin 26hp. Its twice the motor the Brigs was (replaced because it cracked the block). Starts easier, runs smother, has more power burns no oil and less fuel and cost a lot less than genuine Briggs replacement. Its been cutting grass, gorse and scrub for a couple of years now. Im a believer.
Just a slopy retrobate
Well I picked up a "3hp" air-cooled chinese 2-stroke outboard for $240. Will see how it goes pushing a 2.3m inflatable around. Weed whacker motor type operation.
Will it outrun a large white shark set on putting her teeth into your inflatable, that's the only question really.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I have one of the little weed wacker Chinese motors on my duck skiff. I've had it about 3yrs and it has been pretty reliable, it did get a crack in the fuel line but about a dollars worth of fuel line at the hardware store get it back in shape. I run it quite a bit as our season is 107 days and I'm retired.
I had a 3hp Evenrude/Johnson water cooled two cylinder on it but it was too much motor. The 3hp works very well on my square stern canoe for freighting large numbers of decoys through a little bit of water.
My old hunting partner has a little 2hp Honda on his 14 foot skiff that moves it along very nicely, leaves my rig in the dust so to speak.