Ha there ya go - I've heard of 10 or 11 on the autos and one now for the manual.
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Well being a Triton owner as they are notorious for blocking the EGR intake etc Ive fitted a Provent catch can . These are the best .Apparently some brands are shit and dont have a form of pressure release valve. Ive had the intake cleaned at 100k .Its a different truck now, smoother, quieter,more power .Then fitted an EVC throttle controller which I run on setting 3 , anything more and it’s dangerous . Next purchase will be a Mungi EGR delete kit from Aussie and some silicone intake hosesMungi stops off the crap apparently. The blocking intake creeps up slowly like a hidden cancer, its a prick. I must say that I took tge truck to a Mitsi dealer for the full cleanand I thought there service was excellent.I did this because theyve probably done hundreds. They even have exchange clean intakes ready. Cheers.
Exchange clean intakes ready? That tells you something I guess.
Whats weird, is one owner of a Triton (or a couple in a small company fleet type deal) had his mechanic doing monthly checks on the things, oil capacity not going down on one of them and everything looked good but they did a oil analysis at 50,000k's and the oil was diluted with diesel. Looked a bit deeper into it and the manifold was crudded up, EGR valve crudded up too and not doing it's job properly. Diesel was dribbling in through the injectors and washing down if I recall - lucky catch. Once sorted it was fine, problem never returned.
Yep the invoice says “ fitted exchange intake “ No3. They are apparently a prick to clean so probably get them sonically cleaned in some sort of bath somewhere.. Mines an MN model . 2014. Late model diesels can fill the sump if they dont do a DPF burn properly. Mine hasnt got a DPF apparently.