Does anyone know who sells these vehicles on behalf of the army?
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Does anyone know who sells these vehicles on behalf of the army?
No I think the bulk may have already been sold? But when you do find one can I have a drive :D I miss 3.5 tonnes of steel hurtling down a hill on its two front wheels.
Unimogs are awesome, used to have a mog ambulance in the army... The side angle that thing could handle was just insane :D
You have probably already seen this on Tarme:
Unimog 1300L | Trade Me
A 1300 would definitely be a nice hunting wagon.
Right, that does it !!, anyone want a slightly used left kidney ? Going cheap @ $35 K
Oops 4.5 tonnes or 7.5 glw. 3.5 tonnes was my Fathers shitty little light commercial that I used for deliveries. No the 1700/1300 refers to the Hp rating of the motor if I remember? possibly turbo/non turbo respectively (cant be bothered googling). I am sure the NZ army ones that we drove were the non turbo 1300 type.
Awesome too hear some are still for sale. Great to drive, just don't have an accident in a loaded one, the cabs tend to fold easily on roll over or impact with a bank.
I've never been in one, but I want one.
I remember when they sold off the small ones years ago. I thought about it real hard, till I priced out the cost of spare parts :(
No @gadgetman you NEED one, so do I. Of course my Wife would disagree:oh noes: funny that.
Divorce your wife and marry gadgetman, it is legal nowdays and you can agree on the same things I am sure :-)
And you could share the same toys for half the price !
Thanks Friwi for a practical solution. Unfortunately there are some problems with that, not to mention that after the divorce I would have no money for toys anyway... Let alone paying for parts for the said Unimog, Barefoot got that one right.