Every little thing helps, but to really get the most from the 'each little thing' it would pay to do the lot. I would make a point of sorting the miss issues before spending a heap of coin on it, the one I helped on that was bad for missing and losing HP (really flat off the line and missing and farting about for no really easy to id reason) got a lot of work done to it but even with the replacement engine it still had the miss. Ended up getting sold with the miss and a boot full of once-used parts, I can't remember if the new owner sorted the thing. Apart from the miss (it had replacement or fully checked out coils, ecu, MAF sensor, oxygen sensors, crank angle/knock, cam, temp, oil pressure and temp, the whole 19 yards). I can't think off hand of anything that wasn't tried and the bitch still missed and farted about. Possibly the only thing left would have been the loom, but they even checked that out and cleared it...