Hennesy Venom who wants one ???
Only 1.2 Million USD
Hennessey Venom GT breaks 0-300 kmh world record | Stuff.co.nz
Hennesy Venom who wants one ???
Only 1.2 Million USD
Hennessey Venom GT breaks 0-300 kmh world record | Stuff.co.nz
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Transfers all that power to the road very well!
get a motorcycle... for a fraction of the cost, you could get a WSB homologation model, most of them should do 0-300km/h in under 20 seconds.
always made me laugh when some idiot pulled up next to a bike with his latest GTi or Porshe, and started revving...
what part of 0-100 in around 3 seconds don't they get![]()
Biggest load ive heard this year.
I have a 998 SPS
They were built for the track.
Even with higher gearing it could not do 160 in 1st..
if they could you would only need 2 gears to race cemertery cercit or paeroa. unlikely when you hear a xz10 smash 4 gears at the bend in the strate and back off @275kmh
if they can do 160 in 1st (that been the shortest gear) whats it doing in 5th - 6th, taking off and flying past the latest A380 airbus...gogo
Yep but up hills & around corners it is a different matter, even in a crappy old Holden
Mind you my crappy old Holden whilst basically stock with bolt ons, will break traction changing from 4th to 5ft at around 200, (on a closed circuit of course)
Even my hilux will give bikes a hard time on the corners up hills etc, as soon as it opens up they are gone though.....![]()
Last edited by Kiwi Greg; 23-01-2013 at 10:45 PM.
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Yep - unfortunately this is true. I got to race Eastern Creek a few times and it was well known that the Cars were putting in equal lap times as the bikes. Only one difference - watching the cars is like watching paint dry HAHAHA
But having said that - Bikes require much less to get up to spec for such high speeds. As somebody said already - the V8's really dont share much in common with the item you buy for the road so its not comparing apples with apples.
I never found many cars that could keep up with my first bike (cbr250rr). Now im on my 1100xx i just dont bother. I mean why? Lets go flat stick and see who's rubber fails and gets us killed first. Or worse, some copper decides to have a go and pull you over and gets himself or others killed? No good can come of it.
I just cruise around and enjoy being out in the sunshine. To be honest i miss my zx6r....some would say its a bit unadventurous but I really did love that bike ('98 model black/blue/purple with gold strike) Its not all about the stats!
Last edited by Dead is better; 23-01-2013 at 10:56 PM.
even a factory sports bike.
the thing about all that power or speed is nowdays, if your not on a race track, you will probabley loose your license, and the car or bike. maybe go to jail. or the guy in front is only doing 90km/hr and the road is too busy to pass in a car.
but i still own a couple of fast toys![]()
That beast out classes any bike and I ve had a few Guess what it's probably fun to drive in a gale force wind and pissin down with rain and yes I still have a road bike 80 km hr in 1st 150 in second that's pretty quick
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Be interested to see how driveable it is, easy to make a really fast car, much harder to make one that you can easily drive every day like VW has done with the Veyron.
"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
Spud, it's based on an Exige, so should've pretty good. Having said that, it is American, so probably only good in a straight line![]()