4 litre 6 cylinder non turbo now what does that say toyota get a good one service it and reliable its just finding a low K one
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4 litre 6 cylinder non turbo now what does that say toyota get a good one service it and reliable its just finding a low K one
Same with the old faithful TD42 Nissans. Keep em serviced and treat them right and they just don't stop - it is getting harder to find them though same as the Toyota's. The modern gear is built lighter and blown to within 6 thou of it's limits just to save emissions - the irony being when you load them up they return worse fuel economy than the newer gear. I still struggle to understand how in some cases burning 50% more fuel with the more modern gear to save the environment actually ends up reducing emissions, especially CO2 out of the tailpipe which can't be converted like the nitrous oxides or carbon particles.
An expert with no real world experiance said so?
Surely more fuel in= more emissions out
Cheers for the feedback team.
Pushed play on one today will have one of all models so can give some real word feedback
Will only be towing maybe once a month.
The hilux trade in money is crazy we brought for 44k in 2019 and got offered 37k today
5 year warranty should make any problems not mine
That's probably one of the big pluses with a Hilux, they hold their value well.
On reading this thread I’ll stick with my old shitter - carburetor, pushrod V8, three speed manual:yaeh am not durnk:
Not much good off-road but great for towing.
It probably won't poo itself though, unless something rubber dies in the carby or fuel pump!!!
Crazy how such an enormous Toyota fan now has two Ford Rangers, shows ya how a good sale person - dealer service, with good pricing n features can flip ya to the 'dark side" aye
Toyota have really missed the boat with the Hilux, especially the GR, should of stuck a V6 in it.