I was filling the tyres on my push bike on the way to work one day and waited for a guy to pump up the big droney mud tyres tyres on his sparkling clean 4wd (Prado or Pajero-I can remember which) A fairly new one too by the look of it. When he hung the hose up so I could use it it was set at 65 psi. I wound it down to 30 for my MTB and said Hi and commented something like " Are you sure you want 65 in there? Thats fairly high isn't it?" thinking maybe he had not noticed....He basically told me to "F__K off and mind my own business ewhat would a dumb cyclist know" I didn't pursue it any further but the big droney MTs that I have recommend much lower pressures and the ride is far more comfortable at around 30 psi.(drop it to around 15 to 20 when in the soft stuff...) All I could think was "bloody dick head doesn't have a clue- He can go F__K his $1000 set of tyres if he wants to...." And I suspect he probably did as they looked like they were runnung on about the centre 2 inches of tyre...