I have a funny story involving one of these utes and its brakes.... We have one on the farm here, we are also drumming it into the staff, especially the overseas ones that all have basically zero mechanical ability to maintain vehicles, keep them clean, grease where it needs grease, oil where it needs oil etc etc.
Couple of Filipino blokes were using said hilux, and it had a squeak in the front brakes somewhere, they took it upon themselves to absolutely coat the crap out of the brake rotors and the rear drums with grease before parking it away in the workshop....
Now I agree that these utes have never been the flashest, but f**k me they are terrible when you unknowingly take the ute out of the workshop in the morning, hook on a horsefloat to go pick up a calved cow from the runoff and you come to the end of the driveway doing about 65km/h and despite your best efforts you end up straight across the road and halfway up the neighbours across the road driveway before the bloody thing comes to a halt, thank goodness for his driveway and not a line of trees or a ditch.
Asked the boys if they had any trouble with the ute the day before and that's when they told me it was making a funny sound so they covered everything in grease!