How are people selling vehicle these days?
Been trying to sell my mums car since before Christmas, has been "sold" twice at auction now to people who get in contact initially then stop replying, first genius said he didn't know he'd won it and asked what he had paid for it. Both $1 reserves so maybe that's the problem.
Tried Facebook market place and had even worse people, arrange to view but no show up, ask if you'll take $Xxx and not reply after you say yes.
Now back on Trademe with an asking price and getting lots of stupid law ball pick up today offers.
Not sure if it's because it's a cheap car (only worth $1500-$2500) or if this is what it's always like as have never sold a car before only bought one.
It could be we are asking too much for it, but haven't had any genuine enquires so hard to say.
Could just be that no one genuine is interested in it so only meat heads left.
Have sold lots of other stuff throught TradeMe and never had an issue.
What's been everyone elses experience selling a vehicle?