Which would be the best all rounder for hunting and fishing around the lower South Island either a 4 seater side X side or the latest 8x8 Argo 750 HDI?
Cheers Antz
Which would be the best all rounder for hunting and fishing around the lower South Island either a 4 seater side X side or the latest 8x8 Argo 750 HDI?
Cheers Antz
I would go with a quad, or side by side over an Argo,
the Argo will go more places, but is much more expensive to maintain and repair, and it will break down,
Thanks that's what I was thinking
Cheers Antz
Here's your wagon.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
That'll do lol
Cheers Antz
My old man bought a Kioti Mechron 2200 and its a bloody beast, doesnt have the top speed of some of the other UTV's which seem to be marketed more towards the pleasure market, but its a true work machine and being diesel it has torque for days and runs on the smell of an oily rag, he originally bought it to help someone out and move it on but has kept it. Has four wheel diff locks and goes where you point it. Pretty neat machine I reckon.
Never heard of one I'll look it up cheers
Hey mate. Ive got a suzuki vitara i want to sell well set up for hunting. Wanting $5500
This is the original Ripsaw, come along way in 10 years.
They are 20k + gst. Our neighbour has one and loves it.
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If my work annoys me, I cull them
Here's the machine you need
Yea boy!