Still not seeing anything that's going to reduce the weight of the things substantially enough to make a difference - the limiting factor with the utes is the fact that you hit the limits of Class 1 licence way before the limit of the vehicle, and if you are stacking 3/4 of a ton of hybrid crap into the thing before you start adding paying load to the vehicle. If you aren't loading the vehicle for the purposes of work and it's a glorified car with a big bum there isn't the issues but if you're carting a load for $ the economics of a hybrid ute start looking a little off.
On the other side of it, a hybrid assist on start off with a heavy trailer combined with a regenerative braking setup when on steep downhills stands to make a huge benefit to driveability. A fair bit of experimentation has been done overseas with a electric motor/generator that bolts onto the front of the rear diff and runs on a shortened driveshaft. Bolting a battery pack up under the waste space between the chassis rails and there's a useful advantage in traction and braking, but again the issue is weight and also a smaller effect in performance with the limits on angles the driveshaft can get to.