Will be in the 20’s and loving it I bet![]()
Great thread. Thanks @Flyblown
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Mates have own power set up with lots of solar and battery capacity.they bought hybrid a year ago for daily commute and may be in trouble when go to use the petrol as still on same tank car was bought with. Highly unique situation but with many opting for living off grid it does make sense somewhat.....and I hate the idea of going away from ICE.cant see myself ever owning electric car...bike a big maybe.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Hybrids certainly lose their advantage when you start doing a bit of open road driving.
I did a wof on a Prius the other day, had 830,000km on the clock!
Thanks for the write up @Flyblown, thanks for effort.
Our situation is almost exactly the same as yours, although our boys are 15 and 12, so have a bit more time.
Great food for thought.
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
"Green machine" is probably a kawasaki ninja? Great thread
looked at it for daughter a year or two ago..she lives in Christchurch and doesnt have drivers licence (dont get me started on that one) even if she did.... purchase cost wise a electric bike is similar to a small 2nd hand car with nearly zero running costs..inside city limits the 30kmph top speed is no barrier.raincoat fixs the other major disadvantage..yes no protection in a crash,but no worse off than on current push bike and darn sight more reliable, and convenient than the buses.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Green machine Aston Martin i think,a real car.![]()
I flogged it a bit this morning, started at 30ltrs/100 but got the average down to a leisurely 16/100
The workshop around the corner from work undertakes a lot of repairs on Uber drivers Prius's, he has given up on replacing single batteries because of the knob ache dealing with the owner drivers and afterpay.
He tells them to replace the lot, most can't afford to do it. He reckons one of them will kill themselves someday trying to do it.
You mean single cells out of a battery? It's a hard one, theres a heap of labour skinning the things just to get into the battery pack and then you've gotta get the thing out and onto a bench to find out what the go is. Provided you follow the elecy bitey dancy rules, it's not that bad workflow wise it's labour... The issue is when you aren't informed of the rules or treat the thing like a 12v automotive battery - volts thrill, amps kill as they say.
He started off replacing single cells only to find that the Uber driver returned two weeks later wanting a refund because the problem reappeared. Other cells were beginning to shit themselves. This happened quite often so he stopped doing it and only does full replacements.
Makes sense, replace one part and it transfers the weakness to the next weakest link. I looked at one battery in bits the other day, the guy doing it tested each cell and basically half failed most with the visual check (bulges or terminals corroded etc etc) so the entire pack was written off - some of the cells might be reused to keep something else going for a short time but when you get to that amount it's not worth the potential hassle factor.