Interesting, Govt looking to move vintage cars to annual WOF...
I see tonight that the Govt will look to move vintage and older cars (older then 40 years) to annual WOF same as vehicles newer that 2000.
Makes sense to me, although what this will mean in effect as there is a 15-year period over which all vehicles on a 6-month WOF end up on annual if they don't get written off first.
I'm wondering why they don't just say stuff it, and just move everything to distance-based checks say every 15000 or 20000Km... The antique vehicles that don't do big km's in a year in most cases just don't need the checks every 6 months, just aren't doing the miles to get the wear up.
Other vehicles like 4x4's that get used hard in some cases need a check after each outing so doing the checks on a time basis just doesn't make sense. I remember the 'hands off the wof' campaign, and the foretelling of doom and gloom with the change to annual WOF and the first wof after 3 years, nothing went bad there!
What do we think for the hunting hacks and the like, would changing to a 6 month wof make much of a difference?