Arse covering exercise...
My 1980 1275GT Mini has 6 monthly WoFs and the place I take it too just loves seeing the car everytime I bring it in. He gives it a fair going over and points out anything that may need attention, but rarely does. So my WoF bill per year is around $160 for the twice a year inspections.
I live in a area where I frequently see 01/01/2000< cars on the roads full of rust, crook brakes/wheel bearings brake lights out etc that only require a 12 monthly WoF and are often being driven in a manner that puts those defects under stress, possibly leading to a danger to other road users.
It's not the $$ of twice yearly WoF, but the inconvience of going to just have a box ticking exercise done.
Attachment 268553
I get people saying all the time "fixing your cruiser, its always in the garage".
I normally get wof and service at the same time as 6 months/kms about the same with the driving I do.
But it does seem to come around pretty quick.
Have had to teach the mechanics wife how to read the speedo as it has been round the clock a few times.
She counted the 10ths/km and I ended up getting a bill for RUCs that I had to sort.
And as a side note they are putting up motorbike rego heaps.
In 2 years time it's gonna cost over 800 bucks a year.
Acc levies
Motorcycle registration is crazy $$ for a low km rider, should be a distance rate. How about an acc levy on mountain bikers and other high risk activities?
Yup. Or maybe 50 bucks accross all registered to spread it out.
Plus I reckon it's a sort anyway.
It should be the person not the vehicle.
Can't drive more than one at a time
If your bike is fast enough and has no plate......know 1 guy thats does this, bound to be more
I didnt know this but apparrently if you get caught with no reg or wof you can ask for compliance and youll get 28 days to sort it? Thats if a cop catches you the coucil are cunts and youll get nothing from them but a ticket which they shouldnt be able to do anyway
Part of the reason behind that is enduro bikes, 4 wheelers, some sxs and some scooters are included in the motorbike stats for injury and accident. Registered machines are carrying the can for all of those (the injury forms don't record the fact it was a registered motorbike or not as one example).
50mil? No wonder ACC is as buggered as they are.
The bit about riding dark with no rego isn't the fine. It's something like 15 or 20 demerits I suppose if they prove it was malicious