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Should'a bought a Safari/Patrol.
Thanks for the education, I've never seen anything like it. It looks like it has too many moving parts to be reliable and I can see why they took a bit to start.
My only knowledge of shared cylinder engines have been opposed piston (two crankshafts) and the Deltic Engine (three crankshafts.)
Another one went off.Tractor got him out before I could get a picture but I bet it was a mess.Its a long way to the bottom.
Attachment 55541
It was 5metres down the road from this one:D
Attachment 55560
U not got speed recommendation signs Dundee? Or do Muppets not read them
What the hell is wrong with that road @Dundee? You have a disproportionate number of posts on this thread.
So the truth comes out. Dundee isn't a farmer at all, he's the full time fencer employed by the real cow cockie
Sent from my workbench
@Dundee sitz on his deck shooting tyres out great practice for head shots on a rabbit and fills what would normally be a quiet afternoon in..
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Its the closest gravel road to town so it is well known as a hoon road.There is another road in the district that was nick named boozes alley many moons ago but that is closer to the Ruahine Rangers.
Early-morning crash causes 'hell of a mess' to house - Hawkes Bay Today - Hawke's Bay Today News
My pic yep missed the smashed car again.:ORLY:Some of us sleep;)
Attachment 55638
Some morons decided to take their rental car to macetown. believe they ended up buying the car.
Attachment 55711
Did they put that snorkel on it themselves? Or did someone else put it on to get the car out again.
That choice snorkel only comes second to that even better mullet
That's a sick mullet!!
Its got a snorkel of sorts but still looks mint?
Wheres macetown?
Try Google Maps @Gibo i'ts in the middle of nowhere.
This one really beggars belief. They stashed the bonnet? You guys definitely have a speccial type of Bogun down there.
Sounds like fun :D
his and hers mullets. must be Goreon's
Hamilton hair helmets galore
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No mention of closing the track on DOC website. Think they were getting grumpy about people going off the track and ripping it up around the historic areas where they're not supposed to be driving, but its hard to police somewhere remote like that. They might have cameras in places now but I'm not sure, haven't been in there myself yet.