Get someone to wiggle the wheel while you're under there, engine running and off. Wheels on the ground.
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Get someone to wiggle the wheel while you're under there, engine running and off. Wheels on the ground.
Well I tightened the living shit out of the drag link ends and it makes no difference; I did however count turns from centre to lock and it's 2.5 left and 2 right, so it appears that I need to adjust the drag link to centre the box.
Centred the steering box, had to wait for a puller to arrive in the post so I could centre the wheel again, problem all solved. Still got a bloody clunk underneath somewhere, maybe front tailshaft bottoming out, going to remove it temporarily and see if that gets rid of it
If that fails, it might be something like your engine, gearbox, or body mounts.
Body mount bushings often compress over time, leaving a little bit of slack that can cause a bit of clunking mainly under accel and braking. Can sort the noise easily enough by cutting a rubber washer out of a thick inner tube or the like, undoing the nut underneath, slip the rubber washer on (or two), then crank it tight again. Probably not workshop approved, but it stops the noise..
@gimp can you chuck a photo of your ride?
I miss my 106...
It's a bit of a work in progress
Check the hanger bearing
That is a nice spot.Attachment 118888
Bench seat up front?
Clunk was the front spring eye hitting the chassis, bushing for the shackle pin worn and the aftermarket springs have very little clearance above the spring eye, about 1mm. I am now delightfully clunk free and steering straight
Bushes are only a couple of months old but the rubber flogged out quite quickly, and the aftermarket springs have very large eyes around the fixed pin. Replaced with poly bushings so hopefully they last longer