It's an interesting read, but completely missing any facts or actual information. No city, no firm name, no date on when it happened. Isn't it a little odd ???
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We have had it at work, a contractor carting our dangerous goods, loaded by our staff at the other end got a 5k instant fine for not displaying a placard on a single transport pod out of 12 of them. another one got a $700 instant fine for not checking the DG pocket on a split shift truck and another driver leaving a DG in it
Firefighter, died attending a fire.
That is TOTALY out of context, anyone over the age of 5 would recognize a 9 kg lpg bottle as a lpg bottle in this country.
In the case of a vehicle on fire are you first going to see an approximately 6 inch diamond sticker on a gas bottle or instantly recognize a gas set on the back of a ute?
Plenty of people have died doin my job to....probably more than firefighters or cops per head.
We dont get state funerals.
Just fucked up the arse for having a bottle turned the wrong way.....gas bottle suppliers should be liable for not havin stickers facing every direction if it is a requirement.
they are round FFS!
I agree. It's obviously a grey area and a warning wouldn't go astray would it??
What about using your work ute when you are filling up a gas bottle for the bbq??
Your trade or job might not even involve any type of dangerous goods. How the fuck would you know you were doing something wrong?
interesting! reading the following:
Transporting small quantities of dangerous goods
If you carry dangerous goods as tools-of-trade, for agricultural use or for a commercial purpose, but not for hire or direct reward, and the quantity is within the limits in schedule 1 of the rule, then you're responsible for:
•making sure the goods are properly packaged and identified
•segregating incompatible dangerous goods (keeping them apart to prevent dangerous reactions)
•securing the load on your vehicle
•carrying emergency response information
•safe handling practices and emergency procedures
It looks like any tradie type person is about f*%ked (we knew that anyway). I now have to have stickers on the work Utes because they carry nail guns which run on gas and have all the paper work that goes with it?
As far as the fine goes I find it hard to believe any cop would be able to give you a ticket for it unless it was for hire or reward (hire or reward is a hard one) eg: transport company. If your carry goods which comply with schedule 1 or what ever the f*&k it is for work related activities the only fines available should be from Work Safe.
I agree but the ticket was written, the fine is x amount, and the court is upholding it when he tryed to get off it !!?? :wtfsmilie:
Never read so much crap in my life, if you are in buisness and can,t afford to follow simple H&S advice , then you are a asshole, if someone,s life is worth less to you than the cost of a couple of stickers, then I would not use you, and you don,t deserve to be in buisness.
Get a life, ACC will change in the future and you will all need full public and employee insurance, which unless you follow full H&S will not be worth the paper it's written on.
Veitnamcam,As to more people being killed doing your job than firemen or policemen, from some of your posts today, I would say that if they have the same attitude as you, the Darwin effect is working just fine.
Just as the Darwin affect is meant to! Do you own your own business and employ people?
Macca, I don,t, in NZ , but have run company's overseas, where H&S is taken with a bit more seriousness, blaming costs for the inability of keeping your employees or yourself safe is stupid at the least.
Look at some of the most profitable companies in NZ and you will see they all comply with H&S to a high level.
Ah but there's a difference between big corporate companies, many ripping us off for millions and a small family businesses being bullied by huge fines for little non compliance issues, these fines are way out of wack, you cannot bully companies into compliance, you need to help and educate until it is in their culture. The horror stories I'm hearing will drive everyone into covering up and telling porkies. It's about education not making money
The point is the bottles do have stickers they wont get filled otherise, the cop writing the ticket couldnt look on the otherside of the bottle because no doubt he had a quota to fill.
I am all for sensible health and safety, I dont want to die at work because my boss is a cheap cunt and wont hire a sizzor lift and make us work off ladders etc or a million other examples.
But the case in point is totally ridiculous and I sincerely hope you are sentenced to jail where you are butt raped repeatedly for not having a dangerous goods sticker clearly visible on your phone and vehicle for the extremely life threatening battery it contains.
Could you please Highlight and copy and paste my Darwin award worthy posts from today and post them all here for all to see.
The point also is VC if you think you safety is being compromised you should discuss it, I think that's a tool box meeting :O_O: and retain the right not to put yourself in harms way. I'm only one brain and appreciate my guys input to situations before we do the work, gotta work as safe as you can!:cool:
Of course.
Still waiting @Taffs reply.....
Maca, I have to agree, it's about education but some people just ignore the advice, a bit like hunters who get buck fever.
Veitnamcam, sorry I should have said your previous posts not today's , the bottles may have stickers, but if you have ever seen a bottle go off, then you would know why you need stickers on the vehicle, in case it's involved in a fire or accident
way Health and Safety is seen also fluctuates depending on business and personal pressures. ...... machinery/vehicles will be well maintained. ... Health and Safety messages may be evident e.g. booklets in staffrooms, stickers on machinery.
Fuck I don't want to see him!!!:sick:
Yea most dont....
Yeah but that wasn't a health and safety issue that was a criminal act in my opinion, knowingly done?
Relevant and workable H&S is good. Over the top rubbish like this is well out of hand and really stifling small business. The old nut about there being a difference between scratching your arse and tearing it. Much is just bureaucratic overload from idiots on a personal power trip.
It fucked England, the unions did most of it and health and safty finished it. Ozzy had strong unions then massive heath and safety industry.........
A bit is good...turn it into a cash cow and watch your country go bankrupt
I'll get my dad to write you two a hot work permit :D
I don't often participate in serious threads, except when it a 'What caliber" thread, I love those they are serious.
We down here have spent the last two years trying to make a company rising from the ashes of one that just couldn't manage
our plant has been bought by an Aussie firm, who have said , make or break.
I'm part of the management of this.
We provide employment , in a small town for over 100 families. or at least we will as long as we can
I ferociously belive a man or a woman that works for us should go home in the same state that they arrived in.
However, there seems to be a whole industry dedicated to making it almost impossible to operate machinery , and it has been bred in, i get prospective employees asking about possible hazards.
What do you do? seems to me that maybe
The best propects for continuing emploment is to join the health and safety industry.
If they let me take a gun to work i could possibly do corrections.
Now I don't think any employer, employee or other wise wants to see any of there fellow workers, etc endangered or killed in the work place or other regardless. But to make such a comment are you one of these people that are complaining about the cost of housing? what about when you ask to get sky installed and they want to charge you thousands of dollars for the install because they have to supply so much scaffold?
Don't get me wrong I'm all for H&S in the work place, I don't want to tell my staffs partners that there partners wont be coming home!
What I have a bit of a problem with is having to look after grown men at work and wrap them in cotton wool so they cant do there job safely just so they can go home and work on there own (friends) house with out the same H&S requirements, or go mountain biking, hunting, etc. F#2K I could go on all day with this topic, drive to work in your unregistered and warranted car you might get a fine, try doing it in a company vehicle!
Love a good OH&S bash,
There is a clear demarcation point when large companies and OH&S managers start making shit, sorry 'policy' up for the sake of it.
At this junction the whole thing becomes a pointless joke.
I contract for one company that actually has a promulgated procedure for using stairs. They have a hand out sheet outlining their basic safety ethos, which has cartoons on it.
Don't get me wrong, there is a place for effective risk management, but when adults in the work place start getting treated like children then the intent has been lost.
Not really sure what these last few posts have to do with the carriage of dangerous goods, all the legislation around DGs is pretty clear & concise and has been for a long time.
However, with out knowing all 3 sides to the story, you'd have to say a self employed tradesman would benefit more from an explanation and warning about the ins and outs of carrying LPG than a monsterous fine. If the warnings aren't heeded then I guess it's a fair cop.
Its a shame that they seem to base policy on the idiots who are so clumbsy/daft they could hurt themselves in bed. Do they start teaching them about it at school these days? To get them thinking and preparing for whats out there? Polytech etc is probably too late, they are in the cant hurt me im bulletproof phase
They must do gibo, teach at school or at least poly
as i said above, i'm now getting asked about hazards in our workplace, as often as 'How much'