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Mybe what not to name it, I've seen a few that just seem to be tempting fate....
Reef runner?
Thunder struck?
Your really just asking for the weater Gods to come and do you a nisty with names like those...:wtfsmilie:
I want to name my boat , but it's got a faint out line of original name . "SHAFT " wtf name is that . Too scared to change it as bad things may happen if I do .
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Just put 'ed' on the end :D
Fishing companys change the name of boats all the time so it cant be that bad.
Fisho's/Boaties seem to be a superstitious lot. @Munsey, do you look at the horoscopes before you go to work?
Just saw one "final settlement "
There's some really good info on renaming ceremonies online. Something along the lines of make a small sacrifice (of booze) to each of the four winds, burn the registration papers and chuck anything with the old name over the side.
I am a freediver and renamed my boat to "blackout" and nothing bad has happened... Yet.
I've always liked the name "Mortgage II" but I am waiting until I have something a bit bigger than my 5.8m centre console.