My vote such as it is, the current Rangers on the new platform are a bit of a pig poke so far, some are having a great run some are finding a lot of electronic and weird issues as with every new vehicle type out (until the techs have seen the new problems and got a bit of time up). I'd be thinking get a look over the current vehicle, run a datalogger on it looking at commanded rail pressure off the ECU, delivered rail pressure and the rail pressure sensor output and that will tell you a lot about the performance of the injection pump, injectors and fuel rail pressure modulation valve or suction control valve. Another is the PCM/ECU output voltage, make sure it's a nice stable 5.00V and not wandering around all over the place as that can give you an absolute headache or a ball ache, one or the other (point of view issue). The injector/injection pump repair on a 3.2L is around $9K, the ECU is either a repair or a wrecker part (I'll fill you in on costs shortly - what a bloody nightmare to diagnose that little box of fun). Also, get 'consumables' like transmission components, suspension and steering and brakes checked out for worn bits. If the thing you have checks out, better the devil you know I say or at least you have an idea what you might be in for.
Every ute in my direct experience has issues with something on all of the models, some are worse than others. The 2L bi-turbos are brake eaters, especially if heavily loaded or towing heavy on downhills as not a lot of engine braking as one example.