The current Hilux will hold its price head and shoulders above any of the other models.
Diesel will not be going anywhere any time ever due to the huge demand from commercial transportation. Mild hybrids will become the norm but there’s always going to be demand for straight diesels. The current attempts to legislate in favour of electric vehicles aren’t going to work for anyone but urban and suburban dwellers for their commuting vehicles.
The 2.8 1GD-FTV and 2.4 2GD-FTV have outsold the other ute engines by God alone knows what multiple, as it is a very successful cross-platform motor found in everything from utes, SUVs, proper 4WDs and vans. They are found all over the world and have already proven themselves out to crazy mileage. At the end of the day the Toyota premium is there for a reason, the reliability reputation is what it is. Some bright spark will turn up and say oh I had such & such go wrong and I’ll never touch another one and blah blah blah blah blah DPF this, DPF that, and a whole load of other shit that doesn’t change the global reliability reputation one bit. The stats are what they are.
In Australasia you only have to look at the commercial fleets in the big open pit mining operations across the ditch to get a sense of where the trust lies.
If you are looking at the next vehicle being your forever vehicle then buy the Toyota.