The Next 4WD Event OKOROIRE
Hi all
4WD Event Sta 9 th March
Assembly 9.30 am at Kuranui School Okoroire Waiomou Road
(Off H/Way 28)
Same cost $50.00 per car . Cash Barbecue at lunch time
Two tracks one for the Bush trucks and one for the Shiny cars
(softies like me who dont want to have to clean up)
This is the first time EVER these owners have given access to their land
Twoshotkill I ve already told everyone you ll be there he he ..
No vans, Lo ratio 4WD Required.
PS: On Sunday this will be a motorcylce event
50 Km cicrcuit of Native bush and open farmland with ridges and valleys
Adults (15 + $35) Juniors (14 - $20)
Motor bikes start @ ARATAHA FARM
297 Pakaraka Road
Okoroire South Wakatoo
These are both raising funds for Kuranui School