yeah but booked meself out of CHCHA&E after about the 3rd ECGand god knows how many sets of recordings.yeah im a little sore blood pressure through the roof-not so much as ive taken medication overlooked this morning and son&missus have retrieved the precious mussel cargo. As a nurse im a piss poor patient ,and thats only my second ride in a bloody ambulance.
on reflection and after looking at my own photos of my skid marks etc had i missed him I'd have dead centred a bloody great strainer post!
as i said to my son when he picked me up "next f...g time i come here make bloody sure I go straight to the mortuary".In hindsight that is a little to close for comfort.
son reckons it shouldnt be too much of a fixit problem,and A car nut like him is usually fairly spot on.
anyhow have had a feed and couple of lo alcohol beers ,so away to the shower shortly then it might be the fartsack.
thanks all for your kind wishes.