na massive -boys are hopin to get the new motor in my truck today so shell be good for a wee while longer .Missus car will be repaired .see if ic an get daughter to show me how to post my photos on here sometime today. actually its bloody good lesson to all -be bloody careful yourselves fellas.
another one of our shootin crew is headed to greymoth today to pick up a new boat&motor so Ive given him the big heads up.
to all you big fat canadas who like to sit out or range on ellesmere and laugh -be warned Im about to mark your cards OK-
son somewhat ironically pointed out last night -my last two major expeditions to me homeland "the coast have resulted in motor vehicle carnage.
ah well slept bugger all last night with flashbacks but apart from minor aches and pains Im fairly ok. a bit of mechanical work today on the truck will sort things out.
Must be some fairly late nights being put in on final preparation for duck shooting gear eh ,or are you the grasb the gear outa the shed ,into truck with gun and dog and were off!
me -I cant wait.