So, ive a Honda 4stroke 7.5 outboard that i got a while back, in fact i got it 2019 and had a bit of work done to it, well lets be honest the receipt i have is for $827 and that was for all the stuff in the image attached. Its sat since then till about 3 weeks ago where i took it to Lake Coleridge and managed to break the pull start, so off to get fixed again, with a total of 10 mins in the old blue bin at home, went fine, now the receipt shows the compression tests, which means jack to me as i dont know what it should be! So getting the old girl back was told she’s dropped 30lbs pressure????? In a compression test and that he (diff boat place) wasn’t really wanting to waste my money. So long story short, bought something made in the 80’s thats will do for the next couple of duck seasons better than the old Honda, i turned her over tonight and she went OK, just where the cord rubs against the hole it runs through has started to fray again, ( I didn’t test it a fair bit as i wanted to see how it went before realising) are these old girls worth anything to anyone or is it off to the dump? Or onto TM for ?? And see what she gets?