Mate, get the old belt back, I recon the fan will be plastic, a blade will never in its wildest dreams have enough kinetic energy too slash a reinforced fan belt. IF the fan broke, centrifical force would have shot/trown it away from the fan and the belt, if it hit something and got directed back into the fanbelt the kinetic energy would have been even lower so the chances of the blade slashing the belt will be very low.
If by some magical event the blade managed to lodge itself behind the belt and then ended up pushing against the belt wearing it down, you'll see some pretty clear wear marks on the blade. Inspect the blade.
Fanbelts squeck for 2 reasons: misalignment and slippage.
If I were to quess what happoned Id say the belt failed, got pulled in by the fan, snapped the blade and either the blade that shot away or the loose hanging pieces of the belt wrapped itself around the sensor and ripped it out.