Looking at getting a RIB for diving and quick missions etc. I have my eye on an Aquapro 3.2 alloy RIB which is rated for 15hp.
I have a 30hp 2 stroke on the back of my big boat as an Auxillary that has had bugger all use and was thinking maybe I could run it on the RIB to save going out and buying another outboard.
Weight wise, the 30 2 stroke weighs about 58kg, a four stroke 15 weighs around 52kg (Mercury 15hp 4s) so I don't think that an extra 6kg on the transom is going to break the bank?
Power and torque will be considerably more than a 15hp 4 stroke but surely "not being an idiot" can mitigate any extra stress on the transom?
OK idea/shit idea?