People just don't listen to weather forecasts n river warnings.
Macauley river this afternoon and he s on the true right.Who s going to risk their lives n truck .People just don't f..... listen.
People just don't listen to weather forecasts n river warnings.
Macauley river this afternoon and he s on the true right.Who s going to risk their lives n truck .People just don't f..... listen.
Contender for a darwin award playing games with the weather like that
Some people think they know it all. Work with a guy like that and as above you just end up looking like a total muppet but they are totally oblivious to it..
No snorkel...??
And the water is running silty, can't really see the bottom.
Agree! Also, if the spare is anything to go by, the tyres are less than ideal amd should be planted firmly on tarmac..
No snorkel is diesel engine suicide, I was driving in there years ago when you could have the hut to yourself on weekends. Mostly 4wd club trucks were going in, now days it's townie vehicles etc and those tyres are the norm....and the hut can be chokka!.
I'd guess if he's on the true right then he may have already been at the hut or up the Godley and was heading out.
It's simply a case of natural selection sorting out the " have a 4WD so i can drive anywhere" mentality.
Correction,he s in the middle of the river bed facing up stream,opposite willow tree corner.Lucky they didnt have 800mm of rain up river,bank to bank 3metres deep.
Only seen the notice at 9pm last night after getting back from chch.People need to listen to weather reports and river warnings.
Looks like that could've been winched out down stream if he had a winch and a good ground anchor, shit it aint that deep in. But if hes silly enough to try that, on road tyres, with a shit weather forecast, hes probably not clued up enough to carry some winching gear or know how to use it.
unless bellied on a big goolie....cant see why he cant just drive it out..... sure will get plurry wet moving bigger rocks from infront of wheel if that is some of the issue..but hells bells batman...its only got 3 tyres wet!!!!
75/15/10 black powder matters
Slap it in reverse,right hand down abit,use the current to push you slightly out down stream into the shellows.Dont fight the water,use it to yr advantage.In reverse you have the engine weight above yr front diff to give you better traction and the force of water to push you backwards.
Last edited by Trout; 23-01-2024 at 03:06 PM.
If its still there tonight looks like its going to get a dusting of snow on it![]()