Someone has to crack it when the injectors etc need to come out and be replaced - but the issue there is Bosch specifies the rail as a single use item. Local mechanic has reused them with no issues though... Apparently loosening the fuel pressure modulation valve or SCV will prevent anything bad happening if you have to crack a common rail fitting, in my case I just slap the datalogger on and it tells me what the rail pressure is prior to even touching it with a wrench...
Apparently though, once the key is turned to 'On' (not 'Start') the electric lift pump will prime the system with diesel and they seem to think this will push fuel through (the fuel modulation valve must open as part of the ECU prestart checks ref. the earlier conversation). I'm thinking a few cycles of key to 'On' then 'Off' again should get enough diesel through to the injection pump and injectors to lubricate things?