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Thread: Quad bike

  1. #1
    OCD Gravity Test Specialist kiwi39's Avatar
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    Quad bike

    I'm in the market for one. It's going to be a bike for hunting, but also for around the farm.

    Any good / bad / ugly experiences Out there ??

    Was going to buy and older, cheaper, but have come to the conclusion that I'd just end up having to fix or replace it in 2-3 years if not sooner


  2. #2
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Honda trx

    Get something with REAL compression braking in 1st. I've been on an auto yammie with poor engine braking on steep downhill... Not fun !

    I prefer manual bikes over auto

    Avoid ex dairy bikes due to corrosion issues.

    A&P show is good place to have a look at different manufacturers models all together.

  3. #3
    ebf is offline
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    Oh, and Tim, check out the quad threads on lifestyleblock forum.

  4. #4
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    I just know that I am going to cop shit for this but I have had an auto Polarus for 14 years (brought because the Missus who never rides it couldn't change gears - pffft works at a Suzuki motorcycle shop and can't change gears) anyway, the Polarus has good engine breaking , has lasted the distance and goes anywhere my neighbours Honda's, Suzuki's etc will go so don't exclude them from your consideration. Provided of course that you can put up with the "Oi ya poofter" comments from your mates.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Quad bike

    For bullet proof reliable engine aspects hondas are imho the best . Dont like yamys or suzis personaly but each to there own. Obviously 4x4 if your buying new then i would go for 500cc or higher it soumds.like alot but the bigger engines do the work easily rather than laboured.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

  6. #6
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    There is only one Quad : Suzuki 750 :

  7. #7
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    You have just opened a can of worms. This is like asking what rifle is best.
    2WD will get you around everywhere on a not too steep farm and most tracks. 4WD is a blessing on that occasion when you really need it. More power is good but raises the center of gravity which is a killer if in-experienced.
    EBF's posts are onto it particularly engine braking

  8. #8
    Member samba's Avatar
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    Mate i craked it after months of looking on trade me i went into the local bike shop asked for a freah traded covered in mud they had a a 2009 suzuki king quad covered in shit runs like a dream then and ther for 2200 + about 100 in chain to keep it from the thieves that seem to be doing a roaring trade at the moment. PM me if you want the store details they get them quite often. they get heaps after the feilding fieldays!!!

  9. #9
    ebf is offline
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    I'd be happy with around 300 or 400cc, unless you are Jonah Lomu size...

    Sako75's point about centre of gravity is really good. There is a larger quad at the conservation sanctuary, it is harder to get around tight spaces, and a nightmare on the very steep downhill sections, wants to do ass-over-end.

    Guy next door sells 2nd-hand quads. Once you've worked out roughly what you're looking for, price range etc, lemme know and I'll give him the specs and see what he can source.

  10. #10
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRADS View Post
    There is only one Quad : Suzuki 750 :
    do you own one ? what to you use it for and how often ?

    Dude, seriously, you have some nice toys, but posts like that makes me suspect you have more money than sense...

  11. #11
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    I was with a guy on his dads farm shooting ducks off the ponds and his dad gave us their quad which was a Suzuki 750 auto. It seemed pretty good.

  12. #12
    OCD Gravity Test Specialist kiwi39's Avatar
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    Quad bike

    Thanks for the all the input.

    I posted in the full realisation, that the question is how long is a piece of string.

    But for me, listening to all of the things people have to say is invaluable, for a number of reasons:

    1) I get an idea of many of the factors to consider
    2) I start to think about which of those factors are more important to me, and which less so
    3) you get to hear about the bad things

    So it's all good, and thanks for your input to date

    Much appreciated


  13. #13
    Member samba's Avatar
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    Just had a look city honda in palmerston Northhas some fresh trades there also remember the bigger or older in some cases the bike the harder to lift out of bog Honda trx 350 are mint got enough grunt reliable as and light enough the foreman is heavy but good but just gotta watch big end bearing. older model suzukis i wouldnt touch only because the are light in the front and heavy everywhere else and eletrics can be a bitch in some ways they were a bike before there time. Yamys are ok they have high engine wear compared to other brands but wilol chug on they are good bikes. Kawasakis are good but but have limeted engine life on the older modles and the susspension is not my first choice. Polaris are good but can be costly to fix. Can am are wicked but bloody expensive to fix. End of the day its up to your budget to dictate what you can have this time of year the bargens get snapped up quick.
    This is my expereance with bikes and im sure there are people that will dis aggree with me but hope it helps.

    Also i can email you the list city honda has if you want to pm me your details.
    madmaori likes this.

  14. #14
    Member Cod Squad's Avatar
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    in order of preference from personel experience of owning quads for almost 20 years
    No.1 Can Am - costly but worth it
    No.2 Polaris - Great all round bike, good bang for ya buck
    No.3 Honda 500 - nice reliable basic bike
    No.4 Honda TRX420 bit light and basic, suspension not the best
    No.5 Suzuki 750 Kingquad - heaps of grunt, ok transmission, slowly rattling itself to death, costly to run maintain etc, high centre of gravity

    Like others have said a can of worms, you just have to try what you want and buy what your happy with, but unfortunatley no one has yet produced the perfect quad for the best price, as a farmer we are getting away from quads now and are going to UTV's, safer, more versatile etc, imho

  15. #15
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    do you own one ? what to you use it for and how often ?

    Dude, seriously, you have some nice toys, but posts like that makes me suspect you have more money than sense...
    Yep mate we 3 of them on the farm, the are all used everyday most of the day.
    Being a farmer I have no sense and I don't have any money either, least not this year...
    You obviously have it all figured out though.
    We have found them great quads, we have had no issues at all, the power will get you out of trouble,
    I don't by the high center of gravity thing I think it more comes down to rider skill than bike choice.



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