time out have you got a new brake cable because the one I have is getting heaps of replies?Some dude was turning up tonight with a grand but i wasn't home.:)
I should of put the price up:ORLY:
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time out have you got a new brake cable because the one I have is getting heaps of replies?Some dude was turning up tonight with a grand but i wasn't home.:)
I should of put the price up:ORLY:
Must be some stretch in this new cable - got it home and took off the tie down straps - brake on and it rolled to the back of the trailer - adjusted the wing nut - took it up the farm yesterday - stopped on a hill to get off and do a job - brake on and it just wanted to roll - had to park it sideways on the slope and adjust the wing nut again - will have to watch it for a while until it settles down
Had the spray tank and rear tray off for a service and the cable job - so thought I would give it a spring clean yesterday - when you get the mud off Dundee’s bike Shootm - it should look like this ;) - a bit of CRC is a useful tool
Give it a wash Dundee - you might double your money :roll:
[QUOTE=hamsav;354848]I would think that the " hand brake only " is bullshit . Heaps of farmers ride these things side saddle ..... with both legs on the LHS to operate the gears , leaving only the hand brake for the rear , and motorcycle clutch cables ( LH lever ) last for yonks .
I would say the Dealership owner and qualified bike mechanic who was on many Europen race teams would know what hes talking about and probably only bullshits if hes trying to sell you a new one. :cool:
possibly you know more plus have more experience that's cool :thumbsup: Clutch levers I d think have less force applied than a brake cable twice the length that actually comes to a full stop . Mine broke inside the sleeve, outer had cracked letting water in (had crossed a few rivers from time to time) must have got sticky in one place. Wasn't that hard to apply just normal then ping..
Do you seriously think the lever is on that side to promote and make it easy to ride side saddle .. :thumbsup: Yeah I know we all do it. My mate now issues written warnings if staff have their kids on the quad.
ride side saddle or of course for no helmets etc ... They do have to cross the road though so can get seen by many.
Once those cables start stretching you might as well replace them.
Sold sorry Shootm
Shit I would've bought that bugger aswel,got 1 myself already bloody good bikes but the mate was after 1...by the way Dundee she was far to cheap,could've put twice the price on it and still would've sold fast I needa give you a lesson in selling stuff in exchange for 1 of you're spot x's?
Apply foot brake an hold. Apply hand brake and lock. Release foot brake. Plenty of LTF300 H-brake cable's fail early due to not doing this sequence.
my can-am has hydraulic all round, foot brake does rear only and hand brake on left does front and rear. has a little clip to hook park brake on left handbrake, but being auto has park and neutral anyway so usually just use that