I've been using the definitely unsexy AT22 Dunlop on mine - this was the old factory issue 17" tyre that the rangers used to roll out on. Get about 70,000 out of them and they were quite available from people wanting to trade them out for MT's or aftermarket rims. Quiet, OK for grip, not that shite off road and quite good on gravel/rock back area roads in terms of longevity (this is where the Coopers for one fall down - they seem to get knifed and sliced to bits on gravel/rock roads and as we found out this is specifically excluded under their warranty).
@Philipo, is your Wildtrak the bi-turbo? Mate has a few Rangers and the bi-turbo eats boots like licorice compared to the 3.2L's. Dunno what it is as well, same drivers swapping between vehicles and same useage. He's not going to replace the bi-turbo with anything other than either a 3.2L or one of the new v6's as the bi-turbo is nowhere near the tow vehicle.