Weather runs in cycles, globle warming is BS
Weather runs in cycles, globle warming is BS
When hunting think safety first
I like to view the cycles as "Climate change" Been going up and down for thousands of years.
But "global warming" is different, It only ever goes up, never down, and that is the concerning part.
It doesn't help when people think the warnings are coming from politicians. They are not.
Politicians are just the messengers, and you can shoot them if you like.
The warnings are measured, and coming from experienced scientists.
Victoria University of Wellington predicted some time ago, that the first areas to be flooded by sea level rise, would be Lowrey bay Eastbourne, and Voila! It's now happening.
Massive seawalls are being built there, but they are only a time delay.
As we speak, Arctic ice is falling into the sea at around 37000 tonnes per second (yes, per second), not including Antarctic ice, which is evidently at a higher rate.
The people of the Bering sea cannot sledge across the ice from the USA to Russia to fish any more, for the first time in living memory.
We have our heads in the sand guys.
But by crikey, have you noticed how much easier the hunting has gotten lately?
The local reds are in big mobs, and even more fallow about lately, including some white ones.
Keep the powder dry
Again, I used to live in Lowry Bay ~ 50 years ago. It was exactly the same then, I used to catch the bus to Muratai School - and frequently ended up stuck at home when storm swells came up over the road. Victoria University couldn't predict their own shits within a week if they tried (which is why they are going broke).