Not to derail the thread but I've got a bit of an interest in tractors. What's the dominant tractor brand in this country?
Not to derail the thread but I've got a bit of an interest in tractors. What's the dominant tractor brand in this country?
@Ryan John Deere is probably the biggest seller as they make a tonne of different models and specifications to suit a wide variety of uses and customer preferences, John Deere do command a premium due to the name but they are very good to deal with, they build tough gear, and listen to their customers, I find the interiors of their Cab tractors to seem a little old fashioned (look at a John deere from 1995 and the equivalent current model and the interiors are remarkably similar, albeit with subtle changes and added technology) . They would be followed closely by Case (International) who also now build all the New Holland tractors,many very similar or exactly the same as various case models (only blue)
Cheers. When the picture of the JD was posted I started reminiscing about my childhood and visiting my cousins out in the Western Transvaal - gold mining and farming country (they were the former) and got to spend a fair amount of time on farms there and eventually went to boarding school there. So ja, tractors have always been my kind of "guilty pleasure" and so went wandering through the tractor geek forest on wikipedia.
John Deere, based solely on the wiki article seems to have a huge domestic (USA) and international base.
It's interesting as I've posed a similar question on South African forums that I frequent and I'm still waiting to see all the results - particularly keen to see what the "mega farmers" use.
Woldwide by volume maybe Mahindra. Worldwide by value probably JD. Don't know about NZ but there is a lot of green around. All the local growers seem to run JD.
"Mahindra*Tractors is an international farm equipment manufacturer of*Mahindra & Mahindra. In 2010,*Mahindra*became the world's highest-selling tractor brand by volume. Mahindra's largest consumer base is in India, China, North America, and a growing market in Australia."
5 years ago when I was looking to buy a small brand new tractor for our block I did the rounds of all the available brands. At the local JD dealership I explained my cash budget and HP requirement. The sales manager immediately took me to a tractor 15 HP bigger than what I wanted/needed. Don't worry about the extra cost he said, we can assist with JD finance. Shees, worst than a car shark. I can also see where the "dear" is derved from in their name.
Bought a Kubota.