Woldwide by volume maybe Mahindra. Worldwide by value probably JD. Don't know about NZ but there is a lot of green around. All the local growers seem to run JD.
"Mahindra*Tractors is an international farm equipment manufacturer of*Mahindra & Mahindra. In 2010,*Mahindra*became the world's highest-selling tractor brand by volume. Mahindra's largest consumer base is in India, China, North America, and a growing market in Australia."
5 years ago when I was looking to buy a small brand new tractor for our block I did the rounds of all the available brands. At the local JD dealership I explained my cash budget and HP requirement. The sales manager immediately took me to a tractor 15 HP bigger than what I wanted/needed. Don't worry about the extra cost he said, we can assist with JD finance. Shees, worst than a car shark. I can also see where the "dear" is derved from in their name.
Bought a Kubota.