As above, preferably from those that use them on hilly country.
As above, preferably from those that use them on hilly country.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
We've used them for 4 years and have never had any issues happily recommend them.
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Last edited by BRADS; 07-07-2017 at 01:12 PM.
Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering
Brads those aint hills, they are bluffs!!
AS said stay clear from the polaris had the 470 and 800 nothing but problems,. from the whole diff mount breaking out off the 570 after 100 hrs. never ending joints need replacing and bushes.
Since changing over to honda had no real problems if any. got both 500 and 700 pioneers. 700 2years old and 500 12months. 700 very stable machine heaps of power. 500 still a great machine not as stable as the 700 got to know your limits been manual real good for going up/ down hills. both machines are true 4x4 not awd. both are used on hillcountry
Last edited by bigbear; 07-07-2017 at 01:09 PM.
Old man runs a Kioti Diesel, he reckons its a good machine and he does a lot of hours on it shooting and running poison lines and supporting his digger when its in the backblocks, also uses it to feed out and do firewood etc on their block. Not the fastest machine, does about 40 clicks on the road but torque for africa when climbing or pulling a load.
check out the NZ made Tuatara's
ATV :: Lifestyle Tractors & Machinery Limited
20gasorry couldn't help myself
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Having had nothing to do with owning or running one, my knowledge is second hand, hearsay and conjecture...but,
If you stick to the main brands, Honda and Yamaha,you can't go to far wrong.
What I've learnt from friends who do have them, the softer and more comfortable the ride, the more servicing is going to cost.
I've also heard good things about the Kioti and kubota. They're build more on a work platform rather than the Polaris and CanAm who are more biased towards the weekend warrior, pleasure and play customer.
Ng tahu farms are now getting John Deere over Polaris because they're slower and give a harsher ride, therefore maintainence is lower.
If they're used within the recommended towing and loading capacities they last much longer.
Again, sorry no first hand knowledge, but the way I see it, more moving parts,pivots....more $ servicing
Used to have a Honda big red it was awesome used the newer one for a bit too but liked the older one betterhave had 2 Kawasaki mule pro fxt they have been awesome too.
TIKKA 595 7mm08 for the deer 12 gauge for everything else!
We have two Polaris side-by-side at work. We have only had them a month or so, both secondhand. I needed to take photos of one for a pre-ride check document - no luck - both broken down and in the bike shop!
We've got a kubota, more like a tractor than the other speed machines in our hilly country. Check out the transmission on whatever you decide on, a lot are based on quad type systems, run on belts etc, can be trouble