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Thread: Speed Cameras

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Land of the Long White Cloud
    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    I think you got me wrong. I mean that ten over deserves a ticket. but 5 over is a bit unfair.
    my reasoning is the following:

    Is it more dangerous for my speed to go up or down a few k's or is it more dangerous to be constantly looking at the instruments in fear of being fined?

    driving safely is more to do with paying attention to the road than going a few k's over the limit. (ten is too much for sure)

    And most speedo's go up in 5 km/h increments, so that makes it a little harder to judge small speed differences.

    I bet the change in tolerance has made no difference to the road toll. Just a few more dollars out of normal peoples pockets.

    Might as well chuck this rant in while im at it....

    Im keen to see the police hammer people accelerating to make the orange light, (the orange light should be treated as a challenge to test your reaction times) and failing to indicate, and rolling through stop signs (this one I do sometimes, but it is at walking pace and only when obviously clear. I would not feel hard done by if ticketed for it, just pissed) They should hammer those who merg at the very last minute (usually slower than the mean traffic), and those who pull wide right before turning into a left hand drive or road.

    Fuckers who speed on road works, spraying gravel all over cars that would not otherwise be on a gravel road.

    and especially those wankers who replace their headlight bulbs with extra bright bulbs, or drive with fog lights or spot lights on. I bet a lot of you forum guys do this and half of you probably dont even know how many lights turn on when you hit the switch. So rude.
    Does anyone else find modern cars headlights especially bright/irritating/dazzling?? Someone needs to spray some opaque stuff on all the new cars lights at the port!

    And while im at it..... assholes that touch the center line. If those assholes were doing twice the speed limit then I could understand them using all of their lane. BUT THEY ARE NOT DOING TWICE THE LIMIT, THEY ARE EITHER LAZY OR RUDE OR SHIT DRIVERS OR A COMBINATION OF THE THREE.

    I have done a shit ton of hooning over the years but ALWAYS use my indicators (they are an indication of your intention to turn, not an indication of what you have already started to do. I put my indicator on before I ease off the throttle because I am considerate to other drivers) Do it any other way and you are lazy.
    Back to the shit ton of hooning... I always use my indicators, never cross or touch the centre line, re adjust my parking so I dont appear incompetant or lazy or inconsiderate.

    There is probably more but I am tired.

    a ticket for 55 in a 50 zone is in my opinion unfair.
    My God, you're a moaner.

    "All the other bad drivers deserve to be hammered, except me when I drive badly and speed."
    kiwijames and dannyb like this.

  2. #32
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    My God, you're a moaner.

    "All the other bad drivers deserve to be hammered, except me when I drive badly and speed."
    that all you got? did reading all that hurt?
    Use enough gun

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    The New Progressive non binary Socialist Dystopian Republic
    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    Sounds like your the difficult one ha ha
    Okay not being difficult how do you know who's driving your vehicles legally when your not around and get sent a letter weeks later please enlighten me perhaps one of your likes may assist you?

    Speeding is speeding no complaint from me I have been stopped in the middle of nowhere only me and the hidden cop for kilometres but if it wasn't me why should I lie taking the responsibility and having something I did not do recorded against me.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    And people wonder why cops treat everyone like crims.
    Your vehicle, I'd say its up to you to sort out who was driving.
    So how do you do it?

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim160 View Post
    How would you expect to identify the driver if the photo was taken of the rear number plate then.

    Or if the visor was down covering part of the face. How would one be identified then.
    So how do you record who drives your vehicles?

    If it was someone I had known for some time as in the people driving my vehicles visor down sunglasses what ever I think I could still identify them even the clothes or hair I would be happy to present them with their prize if the photo showed the driver or the passenger.

    If the mugger or violent criminal wore a mask, gloves and there was no evidence should we pick on someone we think knows him and force him to give up a name, that's justice. Oh wait I think this actually happens.

    If using cameras at least get one that shows the driver no argument they speed they pay and the infringement is recorded appropriately.
    Last edited by xtightg; 28-05-2018 at 12:06 AM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    if you are doing 60 in a 50 zone regularly you need your nuts removed with a blunt knife,the speed is clearly posted...dont like it??? ride a plurry pushbike....
    cruise control is a wonderful tool...set and forget on open road...I even use it in town.....so easy to do and you dont need to worry you going too fast,touch brakes you slow down,re click and back to 48kms-89kms-98kms depending on zone. but Im biased as I drive for a living and see the results of crap driving all the time.
    How about parking a camera on the side of the Motorway.? Two lanes of southbound traffic heading into chch last week and there was a SPEED camera van illegally parked on the grass beside the motorway pointed at those lanes......Cos you know the motorway is such a death trap that they have to build more!!!!!!! All they want is money....What part of a motorway is safety? And what part is revenue gathering...?
    40mm likes this.

  7. #37
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    I think my wife got a camera ticket on the Kaimais yesterday, I pulled out to overtake a slow car and 110 came up pretty fast. We will have that discussion if a ticket arrives
    jakewire likes this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  8. #38
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Correctly so, she deserves a right ticking off for allowing you to drive like that Maca
    Maca49 and xtightg like this.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  9. #39
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    I was on that very motorway twice last week and didnt have to worry about getting a fine as cruise control was set 1km below posted speed limit (interesting the truck speedo was 3kms lower than what gps on dashboard said so if you followed speedo you would never get fined)...we cant have it both ways,either the speed limit is the limit or its open slather and do whatever you like...did you *555 the illegally parked wagon???? it wouldve been rather funny to watch what happened when patrol car turned up....but talking of chch traffic.all along Johns road past the airport is a 60 zone temporaraly yet traffic just keeps on at 80kms...was I bad driver for sticking to 60????

    40mm you mentioned drivers that pull to right before turning left or vice versa........have you ever driven a loooong truck n trailer unit???? if Im turning left I NEED to be in right lane or trailer rear wheels will mount the footpath,the only other way to get around corner is to cross centreline of road your turning into..... Ive seen first hand what happens when a car decides to zoom up on left side of left turning truck as he pulled out...not pretty and luckily for driver there was three of us fellas sitting across road having smoko who saw it unfold.
    my led spotlights get checked each WOF and are passed as ok,they are directed to left side of road as a consideration of other drivers.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    If I remember correctly, you have narrowed it down to either your wife or daughter. Slap the ticket down in front of them and say "you two sort this shit out".
    Crap like this is why police are under staffed. I am all for police having to do their job according to the rules (which it appears they are - speeding vehicle = fine), but do have sympathy for them when joe public tries to sidestep the rules.
    I used to have enough energy to cause the police grief with letters of complaint like this, but ive mellowed so much its like where did I have I gone, I decided to try and look after my heart!!
    xtightg likes this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  11. #41
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    If I remember correctly, you have narrowed it down to either your wife or daughter. Slap the ticket down in front of them and say "you two sort this shit out".
    Crap like this is why police are under staffed. I am all for police having to do their job according to the rules (which it appears they are - speeding vehicle = fine), but do have sympathy for them when joe public tries to sidestep the rules.
    Bloody oath...it's $30...big deal.

    The time and resources you've wasted bickering about this well and truly exceeds the fine itself. Let it go.
    Last edited by JoshC; 28-05-2018 at 10:01 AM.
    I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.

  12. #42
    Member oneshot's Avatar
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    As the vehicle owner you have a responsibility to say who was driving. So are you saying both your wife and daughter are refusing to admit who it was, or are they both lying to you about who was driving the car? Seriously..over $30 ?

    Police have more important things to do than deal with trivial bullshit from people who think the road rules don't apply to them, of which they are there to protect people I might add. Examples of real Police work- scraping dead kids off train tracks, preventing burglaries, arresting sexual offenders, trying to console people who are losing their shit at having lost family members to road accidents. But hey you just keep bitching about your $30 ticket your wife and daughter wont own up to if it makes you feel better. Rant over.
    Last edited by oneshot; 28-05-2018 at 10:05 AM.
    veitnamcam, kiwijames and systolic like this.
    Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtightg View Post
    Okay not being difficult how do you know who's driving your vehicles legally when your not around and get sent a letter weeks later please enlighten me perhaps one of your likes may assist you?

    Speeding is speeding no complaint from me I have been stopped in the middle of nowhere only me and the hidden cop for kilometres but if it wasn't me why should I lie taking the responsibility and having something I did not do recorded against me.
    I don't give my car out willy nilly it's not rocket science to work out who is driving it. If you don't want to have the $30 ticket against your name well then get your mrs to take it on the chin. Surely someone was in charge of the car and at least one of you can take it like an adult. God.
    Gibo, Steve123, systolic and 2 others like this.

  14. #44
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    As the vehicle owner you have a responsibility to say who was driving. So are you saying both your wife and daughter are refusing to admit who it was, or are they both lying to you about who was driving the car? Seriously..over $30 ?

    Police have more important things to do than deal with trivial bullshit from people who think the road rules don't apply to them, of which they are there to protect people I might add. Examples of real Police work- scraping dead kids off train tracks, preventing burglaries, arresting sexual offenders, trying to console people who are losing their shit at having lost family members to road accidents. But hey you just keep bitching about your $30 ticket your wife and daughter wont own up to if it makes you feel better. Rant over.
    If you read the post properly before going off on your rant you might have noticed that he said they don't know who was driving because they shared the driving on the trip and don't know who was in which seat wherever the camera happened to be. If he genuinely doesn't know he is obviously unable to do the police's job for them, and cannot name a guilty party without lying to the authorities (which is apparently illegal).

    It would be nice if the police bureaucracy allocated more officers time to those more important things instead of sitting beside the road with a camera to penalise generally law-abiding people for trivial infractions weeks after the event. It may not do anything for road safety but hey, it makes the quota (sorry its 'performance target' now isn't it) look better right?
    gadgetman and xtightg like this.

  15. #45
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    I always though that it was the vehicle owner's to pay unless he was able to name who it was.
    So either your wife and daughter go 1/2's or you stump up.
    Pretty simple really. If you want to fuck around in court maybe base your defence on speedo's legally being able to have a 10% error......
    kiwijames, Gibo and systolic like this.



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