Originally Posted by
Micky Duck
well if you arent prepared to take responsibility for the vechile that is registered in your name I guess you best pull plates off it and let rego lapse and ride a horse from now on...
I own 2 private vechiles and keeping track of who went where when ISNT HARD 3 weeks ago isnt a long time,you know it was 1 of 2 persons..BOTH are your family,are you the man of the household or not???? take responsibility and pay the damn fine...you dont deny its your car and its breaking the law so pay up...if it was your dog and it bit the postman would it be another family members fault because you arent home???its till your dog and ultimately your responsibility.
if your water pipes burst and flooded the neighbours house ,garden,garage full of inflatable dolls would it be your responsibility to pay for damages or the last person from your house hold to flush the loo and walk out the door???again its your house,your pipes your responsibility which would probably be taken care of by insurance company if you have insurance again your responsibility...... I paid the one and only speed camera fine Ive got and I KNOW for a FACT that I wasnt driving that vechile at that time...however my log book said I was so sucked it up and paid it...lesson learnt and it wont ever happen again.