I think we have a new forum troll - even the resident troll is getting pissed off.
Fit for purpose? - Looks like @xtightg's purpose if to troll....
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I think we have a new forum troll - even the resident troll is getting pissed off.
Fit for purpose? - Looks like @xtightg's purpose if to troll....
I'm wondering if law students are practising arguing on internett forums these days?
There's always a thread or two going that get hijacked by some pedantic fuckwits arguing about strawmen and shit.
Some credit due, at least this guys started his own thread not hijacked someone else's
Relax you social justice warrior unfurl that permanently offended brow.
All is well justice prevailed, thank you for such help man whoops person (gender neutral)
Perhaps you should give a little to Al Gore his private jet eats fuel going to all these global warming things now that would be real virtue signalling.
Mmmm not sure, are you saying I am the troll and you will not fall for trolling (is that a word)
Or are you the troll and I have been trolled (is that a word)
Or are you to smart to respond to my trolling and telling others you've been trolled.
Ah is this a troll alert.
Thanks for your input I think
Not sure if it is a case of unfamiliarity with the regular forum troll @systolic, or wilful ignorance on your part?
If you wish to continue down the philosophical, lots of rhetorical questions, "fit for purpose," wilful fuckwit path; any goodwill from forum members will quickly be eroded....and that is the friendly input...:thumbsup:
When people talk about adding you to their "ignore" list, this generally indicates that they can't be bothered with:
a) your incessant whining
b) your persistent trolling
c) your inability to let shit go
d) your wilful ignorance
e) your blithe treatment of previous advice
f) Other
If you wish to be a wanker, there are plenty of other places to whinge - maybe "Women's Day" may wish to print your story? Or Stuff.co.nz?;)
Okay you remind me of ANTIFA the fascist anti fascists, shut down free speach with abuse, threats, noise but no real input shouting and abusing from their perceived virtue signalling moral high ground.
The tail that wags the dog.
My gift to you.
My mummy always said if you got nothing positive or constructive to say then say nothing.
Misery loves company.
If someone resorts to abuse they had no argument in the first place.
And perhaps
Empty vessels make the most noise (perhaps we can use the number of posts a person makes, just kidding);)
Okay I do not condone speeding, antisocial behaviour or breaking the law in any way or form.
Speed cameras are here and will increase exponentially in the coming years FACT.
Example the parents are out for the day one of the kids pops home and legally uses the car bingo speed camera action, normal family household. (Please don’t get to wrapped up in this fictional scenario)
Been working away really busy earning to keep the IRD happy three weeks later open the letter no one did it that car went for a drive on its own.
Man up lie and take it on the chin pay the $30.00 and forget it, one big happy family and do I wear the trousers in our house hold.
Ten years down the line I apply to renew something a vocal number of people state I should not have who knows what hoops we will have to jump through then.
In that ten years I may have ten or forty speeding convictions, I have been advised this has been used in other parts of the world to demonstrate you are a careless and unfit individual. Indeed in some parts of the world a speeding conviction warrants a letter of warning your toys may be removed.
Bugger nobody mention that at the time?:sick: