I'm new to these.
Can anyone tell me when its good to push this button ?
I'm new to these.
Can anyone tell me when its good to push this button ?
Never. That is the "crash button".
I just tried pushing it , nothing happened !
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Read the button it clearly states push this shit to get into shit!!! it sais it there in black and white
K thanks I guess
It's called the crash button because it makes you crash.
Turns the traction control off.
If you need to get through a muddy road or farm track, you will find with it off you will actually move.
With it on the traction control retards everything and you most likely will get stuck.
If anything like the Toyota Corolla rental cars we used for recce cars anyway. Fecking things did our heads in!
Pushing it once will turn it off until you do 20kph, or there abouts, and then come back on automatically.
But if you hold the button down for 4 secs, it turns it off completely. Then you can actually drive the vehicle.
We now use Hyundai's as recce cars as they handle the gravel roads much better.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
we had traction control on a new hilux at work, the worst idea ever for anything that will see any surface that isn't sealed.
Try holding the button down for 4 secs Gimp
Found out the same thing when I had to deliver a customers Hilux back to them. After the first k on gravel it got turned off. With it on the traction control makes the truck drive like a pile of shite! No power through corners, nothing there when you accelerate and basically dangerous as fcuk on gravel.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
Yeah I worked out how to turn it off about 3 minutes after I picked it up from the rental place, but it doesn't stay off forever. On gravel or mud or sand it feels like you're driving with one foot on the brakes, not predictable through corners, useless.
So its a bit like the old limited slip diff idea ?
This is out of my Outback manual. I have read it several times and decided to turn the page and read something else....