Mines slipping a bit. Heard they're expensive to replace. C/D? KZN130
Mines slipping a bit. Heard they're expensive to replace. C/D? KZN130
did the clutch in the one I had years ago put a hiace clutch in not as heavy duty but did the job at half the price (was the model before the kzn130 tho) you may be able to do the same , worth asking a mechanic you can trust
https://trademe.co.nz/989083133 Not too harder job to do with basic tools
Google gives me a bunch of results talking about a dual mass flywheel & converting to a solid flywheel, can anyone explain this to me? Sounds like it's worth doing for a long term keeper truck to avoid future problems? Approx cost?
@cambo is probably best for pros/cons/benefits on that
Found a conversion kit on t/me, genuine toyota for like 1100 bucks
My surf is a 1991 and ended up having to do the flywheel twice at nearly $2000 a pop both times. Last time they changed it for a hilux one, so hopefully won't go again.
Dual mass fly wheels are ment to take the harshness out of the Diesel engine/gearbox
Gayest idea ever they are shit if it hasn't had it changed do the conversion
Very had to tell if it's got one or not till you pop the box out
the kzn130 originally has a dual mass f/wheel, it has friction linings and springs built into the f/wheel,they fail and should be replaced every time a clutch is done.the other option is a solid f/w replacement kit cheaper and less problems, not quite as smooth when driving but not a problem,I can sell you a new Exedy clutch kit complete with solid f/wheel for $860.00 including gst + delivery from christchurch what ever the courier charge would be.if the clutch has been done before it might allready have a solid f/w fitted,you will need to pull it out to check.i am a brake and clutch specialist my own business for 30 yrs.
Cheers for the info guys. Will look into getting the flywheel conversion after xmas
i had mine done in my kzn130 about a year ago, my gearbox shit itself and i managed to stuff the clutch and flywheel doing the gearbox myself (long story filled with lots of profanity). the bill from the mechanic was 1500 fitted for a brand new flywheel and clutch. he told me its not worth replacing the old dual mass one the new ones are just as good and alot cheaper.