Didn't want to hi jack a couple of threads so what are all these issues with the latest hilux?
Didn't want to hi jack a couple of threads so what are all these issues with the latest hilux?
My guess is electronic gimmickry
Use enough gun
6+ month wait time from order is the biggest issue.
I would have not started the other thread if I could get one within acceptable wait times.
One major issue could be fixed by sacking the interior design team
Last company ute I had was a hilux, DPF filter went to shit on it other than that was ok but geared little to tall for 6th gear.
They will always cop flack because they are Toyota, best resale vehicles out there, just sold my 2014, I wanted a new prado but September next year so went with the Everest
Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts
@Smiddy about time you made an appearance back here, how’s tricks on the Coast?
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
2002 model. Love it![]()
When hunting think safety first
I am talking the latest 2021 model
I've got one for work, about 4 months old and @10k on it with no problems so far, haven't heard of anyone else having problems with theirs either. My biggest annoyance was they 'forgot' to put a towbar on it! Like who buys a ute without a towbar? The 'Toyota custom' canopy is cheap and nasty too but you get what you pay for I suppose
I would love to put one of these on mine ........