Last updated 05:00 10/10/2013
TRAGIC ACCIDENT: Four-year-old Uetaha Ransfield-Wanoa was killed after falling under a mower on Tuesday. MOTHER: Ailza Wanoa. FATHER: Willy Ransfiel.
Uetaha Ransfield-Wanoa was just two weeks from turning five and starting school.
The boy was killed in a horrific accident when he went under a tractor-towed mower at Kirkpatrick Park, in Hastings, on Tuesday.
A family spokesman said Uetaha's parents, Ailza Wanoa and Willy Ransfield, wanted time to come to terms with their loss.
Yesterday, a small bunch of flowers lay at the site of Uetaha's death, in the centre of the park.
Two cousins visiting the site, Dale Halbert and Alex Thompson, said the family were devastated and looked forward to receiving Uetaha's body late yesterday after an autopsy had been carried out in Palmerston North.
They said Uetaha's eight-year-old uncle Teatua, who had witnessed the accident, had been the hardest hit. "It's pretty heartbreaking . . . I feel so sorry for him," Halbert said.
"It was Teatua who ran to tell the family what happened."
Halbert, who lives in Brisbane, was flying home today.
"I have two young boys, a three-year-old and a six-year-old. I can't wait to see them, especially after something like this," he said.
They said the date and location for a tangi had yet to be discussed.
Family members have expressed their grief on Facebook.
Uetaha's grandfather, Duncan Ransfield, said he was devastated by the death.
His uncle, Dallas Halbert, urged friends to "embrace your children and love them to the moon and back".
Sergeant Ray Kirkby said police were investigating and had spoken to five adults who had witnessed the incident, which occurred at about 5pm.
Kirkby said the tractor driver had been interviewed after the accident but had been in a very distressed state and would need to be interviewed again.
The park belonged to Hastings District Council and the tractor and mower were council-owned and driven by a council employee.
Mayor Lawrence Yule said the employee, who had worked for the council for 13 years and held a senior role, was "traumatised".
"He is highly emotional, as you can expect, as are the rest of the team.