yur kidding me mate . why get it lifted ifyou put low pro tyres on it
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yur kidding me mate . why get it lifted ifyou put low pro tyres on it
i will just stick to my trusty old izusu wizard
Should have got the Justy RS turbo instead! :D (or built one like Trev Crowe's justy of epic madness...)
Car antics at uni were always fun, I remember one night taking a flatmates Suzuki Swift through the middle of the Otago campus - the accesses were all chained off, but the car was small enough that you could lift the chains up and drive under them. Could lift each end of the Swift with a couple of guys too, one night we turned it to a 45deg angle inside a carport... she spent ages doing a 53 point turn just to prove that she didn't have to ask us for help to get it out.
Some good times in Subarus in the snow too, funny cruising up Cargill in the Leone and watching badly driven 'proper 4wds' sliding off into ditches on their way down.
We put a "passed out "mate" into his mini then 6 of us lifted it inside his house (took off sliding doors) and put it in front of TV in the lounge.
He woke up next morning and freaked as he didn't remember anything , and we caught hell from his mum cause it leaked oil on carpet.
They're definitely underated took mine some pretty knarly places. In saying that they don't compare to a real 4wd but, for wjat they are they're pretty darn good.
just havin another donkey fitted in me trusty ol1993nissan pathfinder -ye old gooserolla, then its back on the road yet again tryin to thrash the old bitch to death.
i give her her due she never complains .BTW VC-I think one of the electric puha ingesting local greenie hippies mistook ya for Gerry Brownlee and attempted to douse ya again!like the bloke did in shakeytown that day .texture looks suspiciosly similar -havent given it the old taste test by any chance.
just askin
1000kgs heavier? You sure about that?