They're definitely underated took mine some pretty knarly places. In saying that they don't compare to a real 4wd but, for wjat they are they're pretty darn good.
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They're definitely underated took mine some pretty knarly places. In saying that they don't compare to a real 4wd but, for wjat they are they're pretty darn good.
just havin another donkey fitted in me trusty ol1993nissan pathfinder -ye old gooserolla, then its back on the road yet again tryin to thrash the old bitch to death.
i give her her due she never complains .BTW VC-I think one of the electric puha ingesting local greenie hippies mistook ya for Gerry Brownlee and attempted to douse ya again!like the bloke did in shakeytown that day .texture looks suspiciosly similar -havent given it the old taste test by any chance.
just askin
1000kgs heavier? You sure about that?