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2019 on Kingquad is the current model, I'm pretty sure under the bodywork they are actually the same bike right back to 2012, we have one bought last year and it's a great bike, really comfortable for extended periods in the saddle and it's been reliable so far, only issue we have had is having to replace all the rear suspension bushes which grinded my gears a wee bit considering how little work it had done but we are dairy so it's gets a good workout most days and we waterblast the bikes at least twice a week which is a damned if you Do/Dont situation as keeps the bike tidy and clean etc but dealer also told us we are blasting all the grease etc out of bearings and bushes. Don't have power steering on ours and they are reasonably heavy in the steering but couple extra weetbix sorts that out. We have a manual TRX420 which is a much lighter and more nimble bike, I actually prefer it to the Kingquad for towing though as having proper gears is always better than a cvt in my opinion for towing, the TRX also has a much smaller turning circle than the Kingquad so is much nicer in a tight spot, I can turn around on our cow lanes where I have to do a three point turn on the Suzuki. Suzuki feels like it's built a bit more solid than the Honda, it's a bigger bike fullstop but has thicker plastics etc and just seems a bit more durable all round.