Depends on a fewthings, Spanners. More stages in the unit = more $'s. Then you need to engine to match the unit. Alloy is $$$, fibre glass is cheaper. Have a squiz on Trade Me, loads on there up to $40k plus
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Depends on a fewthings, Spanners. More stages in the unit = more $'s. Then you need to engine to match the unit. Alloy is $$$, fibre glass is cheaper. Have a squiz on Trade Me, loads on there up to $40k plus
Spanners, I reckon this one on TradeMe would be a good place to start. Ali hull with Fibre glass topsides and comes with a 3 stage jet unit. It's cheap too. My mate has a Ford straight 6 in his and it has plenty of go. I'd assume torque would be king in a Jetboat.
JET BOAT hull and 3 stage | Trade Me
Last jet boat was a 151A the same as Baldbobs, but running a 3 stage Hamilton unit, and a mildy worked 350 chev. Good boat, but the hull had too deeper V for really shallow stuff.
Current boat, is this;
Designed by my old man, built by Seahouse. 7.8 metre full alloy hardtop, Hamilton 212 unit, LS1 350 chev, slightly tweaked. Designed for tackling our dangerous and shallow bars, trips off South Otago coast, West Coast, Stewart Island, and reasonable sized rivers.
Currently in the process of putting together some plans for a 12-13ft alloy puddle hopper, for shallow river fun. Have a few bits and pieces sorted, and looking to start building with the old man in winter.
Hmmm, anyone got a jetboat they are looking at selling? Im starting to look around for something now. May almost consider selling my bike to get a alloy one. Those Tuicraft boats look alright ae.
Anyone in ChCh at QB weekend come over to the Hamilton Jet factory on the Saturday (TBC). We're having an open day of the industrial jets side, and a display of 50yrs of Hamilton Jetboats out on the carpark. Get a look at Aurora too.
Jetboat Restoration
Lunns Road, Christchurch.