And I thought the recent price hikes for old jap trucks in NZ seemed insane.....
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And I thought the recent price hikes for old jap trucks in NZ seemed insane.....
:XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: That description.... Had me laughing out loud!
I'd love to see the look on the insurance broker's face when he asks what's value to be insured.....
we've got an original condition one owner (well actually 3 generations of the same family) 1957 series one Land Rover I would consider selling for not much more than twice that price.
I used to own a Beemer 2800, with the forerunner of this engine in it. They used to be the 1970's cop cars in South Africa. A gorgeous engine to run up through the gears! Would certainly make a Landie get up and boogie. Unsure just how quickly a landy would slow down from that warp speed though:o
Its a nice looking car and I wouldn't mind owning one, but id never buy a car at that price. I just use my car to get from point A to point B. Will look to get a cheaper 4wd one day as ive tried offroading with my toyota corolla with some devastating results. :P
I am flying on memory here but I seem to remember that was for sale a while back up north and had something wrong with the bulkhead rust priblem And not complied at that time it has been brillantly repainted but I would have expected a brand new chassis at that
c'mon it come with a trailer of sawdust to put under it :P
How can it be a "restoration?" Its not like its an old truck....In fact it is newer that 3 of my 5 vehicles, (1989, 1985 and 1996 suv) I got married before that thing was built......If he had looked after it to start with, it would still be fine- just like my Vitara...Its older and it still does not need a "restoration...."....
Or you could buy a 79 series land cruiser build the ultimate touring hunting truck and spend a long time exploring and hunting New Zealand one end to the other a couple of times
When I saw that advertised I think he’d accidentally added another figure onto the price . I’ve got to wonder what this thing will do that a 3.5 v6 pajero won’t do that makes it worth $342000 more
On my Series IIa, I never once had to change the oil... I just topped it up a few times a week.
That's called total loss lubrication. Castrol no 1 would be the perfect oil.
@Marty Henry - It was Castrol, although in South Africa it wasn't no 1, but GTX. :thumbsup:
My mate who is incredibly hard on basically everything had a S1 circa 56 or 57.
Thrashed the bejeezus out of it.
Was at the stage where he knew he had to top up the oil because the oil light would flicker as he went round certain corners usually followed by a very quick rattle from the mains.
Stop and top it up and repeat.
Didnt have to do it every day but if he forgot to check it , that was his method
For that price id sooner have a brand new 5.6ltr V8 400HP Nissan Patrol and still have 230k left over.
not sensing alot of love for the ole landy here.....................
you thought i was gonna start defending them eh ......
"pretender" would have been a better name for them
Owning one for a few years cured me.
To be any good it has to be built before about 1967 before British Leyland got there hands on it. I loved mine was very advanced for its age. It had things that even modern supercars dont have like independent front windscreen wipers, doors on the big useless heater in the front passenger foot well. Headlight's side by side in the middle of the car. Guess you had to have one to understand and a big lotto win I would consider buying a series one just for the luxury of the ride and to turn heads. At least when it went wrong (only a couple of times) you lifted the bonnet and you knew what everything was and what it did. Simple as a knife and fork.
I was taken to my wedding in a long wheel base V8 defender....white one with red flashing lights on roof and siren going....she was a thirsty beast but great cross ambulance/crew vechille....great wagon.
learnt to drive in a J1 bedford truck then a series 11 109 long wheel base,took that old girl all over the first vechille was a short wheel base series 1 no key,no papers,no number plate,no hack,Dad traded it to fencers for some work.....
always have felt safe in a landy,dont know what it is about them,but its a felt thing....
Hey guys stop being mean, this guy is just trying to recoup cost for his lost weekends and cost for replacement stub axles, bearings, seals and gearboxs.
Good luck to the young man, he's obviously passionate about what he has. In years to come he will sadly shake his head and moan about selling it.