My dog drinks2 or 3 liters of water a day and that's at rest , thought his thirst was a summer thing but still drinks heaps. He is a 2 year old gsp . Have never had a dog drink that much . Do you think I talk to a vet ? .
My dog drinks2 or 3 liters of water a day and that's at rest , thought his thirst was a summer thing but still drinks heaps. He is a 2 year old gsp . Have never had a dog drink that much . Do you think I talk to a vet ? .
thyroid check bro.
Could also be spline too, I'd be keeping a check on the dogs weight.
Vet check a.s.a.p ,could be a bug causing it .
FYI my last dog (Vizsla) was a big drinker. He would drink that much a day normally.
I had a lab that had a tough upbringing amoung a number of other dogs. Water was the only thing he had that he never got rolled for touching, by the rest of the pack. When he wasnt drinking it he would be lying beside it.
I have never seen a dog yet that could drink so much (because he could???).
The vets doing urine tests , but I'm thinking he's just a drinker. He's young and fit and it's prob just his trait.
The vets come back and wants my dog back for a prostate check .?
Hope all is OK Munsey
I have observed that it is often what they are eating that will 'create' a greater thirst than normal...for instance after chewing (beef) bones they will drink quite alot due to all the saliva involved in it. Dry foods (not that I feed mine on this) will generate a greater thirst, as will a worm burden. And, as you write, Munsey, a young active dog would require more water....prostate, hmmmm....interesting!! Hope your dog is alright.