A little late but still time for you to get organised:
The South Canterbury Recreational Sportsmans Club run an annual Wallaby Hunting Competition, this year it is on the 14th, 15th & 16th of March. The weigh-in is on the Sunday (16th) and is at St Andrews domain (15 minutes south of Timaru) and is between 1 & 4 pm, with the prize giving at about 5pm.
We have secured an ongoing sponsorship agreement with Blakely Pacific & New Zealand Petfoods. This will enable us to ensure the standard of prizes is maintained or improved with each competition. Note also the drawn rifle prize is a Remington 700 rather the a ruger as it has been in the past.
Prizes for:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Heaviest Buck Wallaby
1st, 2nd & 3rd Heaviest Doe Wallaby
1st, 2nd & 3rd Highest Tally - Wallaby
Lightest Buck Wallaby
Lightest Doe Wallaby
Heaviest Wallaby - Lady
Heaviest Wallaby - Senior - 45 YO or older
Heaviest Wallaby - Junior - 16 to 19 YO
RIFLE DRAW, is a Remington 700 SS in .270 and is co-sponsored by Dix’s Firearms & Fishing.
All Adult class entrants, who weight in at least one wallaby, will be in this draw.
All entries into draw for 4 Prizes of $300.00 to $500.00 each.
Plus a variety of other minor prizes.
You must be present at prize giving to claim Draw prizes.
There is also a Childs section, under 16 YO, with prizes for:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Heaviest Wallaby
Lucky Dip.
Entires will be available 20/02/2014 from:
Dix’s Firearms & Fishing – Washdyke
Falconers Field & Stream Sports – Timaru
ORourke Taxidermists – Pleasant Point
Temuka Fishing & Outdoors – Temuka
Waimate Outdoors Ltd – Waimate
email wallabycomp@scrsc.org.nz if you want more details