Lake Rotoroa
21st?maybe and 22nd 23rd June should work out for me or otherwise would have to be end of July.
I will be taking a boat and have room for 3-4 others,Donations for fuel gratefully accepted.
Others may also be able to bring boats and there is also a water taxi.
For those that dont know the area google earth it, its the long skinny lake next to the little round one (Rotoiti)
There is two huts at the head of the lake at the mouth of each river feeding the lake, the Durvil and the Sabine. Sabine hut is big and new and il be at the Durvil.
Hunting from the lake edge(drop off and pick up from boat) is usually reasonably productive but far from high numbers.
Country is mostly fairly easy grades in nice open beach forest but of course it has its shitty bits like anywhere else.
Two large valleys head up from the lake with river flats/slips etc.
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